2020 Draft Scout Weekly, Single Copy
Nov 04, 2020 Update: Week 1 Season Edition, Building for 2020/2021 Draft
– Updated Draft Scout Top 750, (No Day 3 underclassmen, so 30 more seniors will be bumped out eventually)
– New DSRC (Draft Scout Rating Changes) Excel sheet with all changes from the past week (running log sheet but will split it up into months starting next week with midseason and end of season massive changes looming, especially for players outside the top 300 range), for all years, 2021, 2022, 2023 and the new 2024 Export as well.
– Updates to the following team rosters/depth charts this week include: Akron, Bowling Green, Eastern Michigan, Georgia Southern, Kent State, Massachusetts, Miami (OH), Ohio, Rice, Stanford, Temple, UCLA, Utah, Washington
For next week: Work on the remaining teams where the depth chart building row in the DSFBSTeams is BLANK (Only a few Independent teams plus the rest of Pac-12 & Mac Week 1 Depth chart rechecks). Along with all the news, injuries, awards, etc, for those playing, which after this weekend will be everyone. Also, a big recheck pass thru ACC & SEC teams with midseason grade updates for each team.
Draft Scout’s 2021, 2022, 2023 and NEW 2024 Database Exports, VERY Fluid.
Updated Top 750 2021 Draft Eligible w/(*) Underclassmen so far have been moved into 2021. Opt back in’s will remain unless they change their mind and return for 2022. It’s only a handful of players, not even close to as many as most thought, with most coming back.
Announced & Projected mix of 50 Underclassmen in the Top 100, the yearly average. 30 more underclassmen will get Drafted in rounds 4-7, 80 of a Total 125 Average. We’ll see what happens to that 125 number. Opinions vary.
Extensive work on the following Teams have been done the past few weeks (player by player, info, all changes & projected 3-deep depth charts): Shooting for all 130 FBS Teams by Halloween with a mix of updated scout grades/grade changes mixed in along the way.
08/20 Senior Bowl Watchlist, 250 Players are in the AS Watchlist Row, next to the AS Game row in the 2021 Seniors only sheet. Half the size of last year, common math, soo the gaps are plenty.
You can also see us in Phil Steele magazine this year again as well, in the front Draft ratings. With over 350 Full Color Pages. Stats, Trends, Angles, Returning Starters, Phil’s Forecast, and much much more. AVAILABLE NOW!! All orders will be shipped with the national Cover
Draft Scout has joined the Rokfin Football family moving forward for content & promotions.
Areas of the current Draft Scout website will point to our Rokfin landing page…
I have been fortunate to be able to work along side and the point man behind a lot of people in this industry in my 20 years doing this. To be able to be apart of the new Football channel at Rokfin with a recruiting expert legend like Tom Lemming right next to us is an honor. I have been approached to combine or merge with, work with/on many other projects since our distributor, The Sports Xchange closed in late 2018. Something like this I feel is the right move for Draft Scout right now and will allow me the help and time to rebuild Draft Scout into what I always thought it could and should be.
Draft Scout on Rokfin
and Draft Scout Weekly, CFB & Draft Data Purchasing on here ScoutNation
are the two ways to get at all the hard work.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a ONE TIME Purchase and you will receive the Sept 30, 2020 download after you pay.
Zip file folder with ALL 11 Files in a desktop folder.
PlayerId: Draft Scout’s unique number ID assigned for players from High School through Draft Season/Pro Football
DSRank: Draft Scout’s Player Ranking for the Position they Play, Sort ASC, Ascending when Filtering by Position, 999 or 9999 = Currently Unranked
Stock: Projected Stats: Same (Holding Steady at the Time), Up (Rising), Down (Falling), Injury (Had or Entering Draft with an Injury)
Injuries/Transfers: Various Notes, Coming off Injuries, Entering the Draft with an Injury, Transfers from which school, etc
Jersey: Players Jesery number he wore this past Season/Will be cross checked and updated the first month of each season or from team changes/reports
First Name: Player First Name
Last Name: Player Last Name
Class: Players Year of College, Sr = Senior, rSr = Redshirt Senior, Jr = Junior, rJr = Redshirt Junior, rSo= Redshirt Sophomore, So = Sophomore, rFr = Redshirt Freshman, Fr = Freshman
DraftYear: Year in Draft Pool, Works with Class: 2020 Draft Year = rSr/Sr/rJr/Jr and rSo, 2021 = rJr, Jr, So, rSo and rFr, (all will add a season after 2019 CFB season), etc
Position: Position Player plays in College or is Ranked at if a projected position switch for the Pros. Example: Small Defensive Ends may be moved to Outisde linebacker already, Smaller players to other positions. Dual Threat QB’s to WR or RB/KR, etc.
Position2: Position Player could play or switch to in Pro Football, also if a kick returner or plays multiple positions.
PositionSpecific: Used with next Depth row to identify a player’s specific position in College. Useful for offensive linemen (LT/RT/LG/RG, etc) or what type of defense’s teams run.
Depth: Players Depth chart number at the time of major cross checks. Full teams, all FBS teams Aug-Sept. 1 = QB1, 2 = RT2, 3 = WR3, etc. 999/99 or blank have not been checked or player is injured, sitting out a year off transfer, etc
College Division: Player’s College Division he plays in: FBS/1-A, FCS/1-AA/Division 2, Division 3, NAIA, etc
Conference: Players Conference within the division he plays.
Region: Players Scouting region he plays in, used for Area Scout export swaps.
Projected Early-Drafted-85 Total: Yes = Top 85 Juniors or Redshirt Sophomores expected to enter into the coming Draft. Of those 85 average drafted, 50 will be top 100 players (rounds 1-3), 35 of the 85 will get drafted between rounds 4-7, Day 3. Total Underclassmen Average is 125 total per Draft, meaning 40 of the underclassmen, we won’t project, will NOT get Drafted at all.
Height: Players Height in Eights/Inch (Updated and Cross checked by Team Post-Spring then again VERY good in Aug-Sept…in the Draft period: at Combine or Pro Day Measurements)
Height2: Players Height in Feet/Rounded up from Eights (Updated and Cross checked by Team Post-Spring then again VERY good in Aug-Sept…in the Draft period: at Combine or Pro Day Measurements)
Weight: Players Weight (Updated and Cross checked by Team Post-Spring then again VERY good in Aug-Sept…in the Draft period: at Combine or Pro Day Measurements)
40RangeLow: ESTIMATE Hand Held Range ONLY until Combine/Pro Timing-Testing…Players 40 Yard Dash – Lowest Time Range. In most cases .03 to.10 lowesr than his Fastest times to Group Hand Held Times & Estimate Ranges Pre-Testing.
40Time: ESTIMATE Hand Held Range ONLY until Combine/Pro Timing-Testing…Players 40 Yard Dash – Base 40 Time. The Average of the High-Low Range until Lowest Combine ET or Average Pro Day HH/Hand Helds Replace that Number.
40RangeHigh: ESTIMATE Hand Held Range ONLY until Combine/Pro Timing-Testing…Players 40 Yard Dash – Highest Time Range.In most cases .03 to.10 lowesr than his Fastest times to Group Hand Held Times & Estimate Ranges Pre-Testing.
Home City: Players Hometown City, listed by College He played for.
Home State: Players Home State.
High School: Players High School or Junior College/Last College he played for before enrolling.
High School Recruiting Stars: Players High School Recruiting grade. 5 = Elite, 4 = Great down…Blank or 0 = Not input yet. Most FBS Power 5 Teams are done.
Update Notes: Various player updates (Playing well, rising, Scout Feedback from Road Grades, etc), works with the column next to it…Scout Grades/Projected Rounds/Road Grades/Ranking Info.
Scout Grades/Projected Rounds/Road Grades/Ranking Info: We exchange a lot of information. This row is key information on where a player may have graded heading into his senior season, what scout’s think, areas he should or will be rankedor changed to. It will be updated and change as we group him into a ranking heading into the start of the Draft period on Jan 18th of each year. A lot of factors from strict draft averages to what scouts think of him play a part.
Data Scout Info/Player Career Notes/Awards/Injuries: Players Data Scout row and Career snapshot information. Awards, Stats, performance, etc. Put together, logged after each season and updated both before and after.
School Bio Link: Web page link to the Players official school bio or roster page if they have none online.
DERank: Draft Eligible Rank, a combination of all Draft Eligible players ranked by their position.
DETop1000: Ranked 1-100 for now, will be expanded to Top 1500 by end of Jan 2020.
Projected Round: Players Projected Draft Grade based on his overall rank, 1-1000.
DEInclude: Draft Eligible Includes, 1 = Top 100,1000, etc. Filter for just #1 to see just the top 100 players within the master list of 9,000 plus. Then sort Ascending, DETop1000 Row.
Plus all Testing Results for the WHOLE Draft Pool
Draft Scout Master Reports | |
Row Name | Description |
PlayerId | Draft Scouts Unique Number ID Assigned for Player from High School through Draft/Pro Football |
DraftYear | Year in NFL Draft, ALL Player Single Yearly Export, Alpha Order, All Players on One Sheet |
Position Rank | Draft Scout’s Player Ranking for the Position they Play, Sort ASC, Ascending when Filtering by Position |
Top 1200 | Draft Scout’s Overall Top 1200 Ranking, Sort ASC, Ascending to view Top 1200 in Order. |
Stock | Projected Status: Same (Holding Steady at the Time), Up (Rising), Down (Falling), Injury (Had or Entering Draft with an Injury) |
Projected High | Highest Area of Draft or Round We Predict the Player will get Drafted based on Position Averages |
Projected | Round Projection based on Players Top 1200 Rating, Cut to Exact Round Numbers |
Projected Low | Lowest Area of Draft or Round We Predict the Player will get Drafted based on Position Averages |
Jersey # | Players Jesery Number he worse this past Season |
First Name | Player First Name |
Last Name | Player Last Name |
Position | Position Player Played in College or is Ranked at if Projected a Position Switch |
Position2 | Position Player Could Play or Switch to in Pro Football |
College | Players College he Attended |
Class | Players Year of College, Sr = Senior, rSr = Redshirt Senior, Jr = Junior, rJr = Redshirt Junior, rSo= Redshirt Sophomore |
Height | Players Height in Eights/Inch |
Height2 | Players Height in Feet/Rounded up from Eights |
Weight | Players Weight at Combine or Pro Day Measurements |
40LowRange | Players 40 Yard Dash – Lowest Time Range.In most cases .03 to.10 lower than his Fastest times to Group Hand Held Times & Estimate Ranges Pre-Testing |
40Time | Players 40 Yard Dash – Base 40 Time. The Average of the High-Low Range until Lowest Combine ET or Average Pro Day HH/Hand Held’s Replace that Number. |
40HighRange | Players 40 Yard Dash – Highest Time Range.In most cases .03 to.10 lowesr than his Fastest times to Group Hand Held Times & Estimate Ranges Pre-Testing |
Early Entry | Yes= Entered the NFL Draft Early, from Redshirt Sophomore (rSo) through Junior (Jr) |
Combine Invite | Yes= Invited and Attended NFL Combine, Blank = No |
Home City | Players Hometown City, Listed by College He Played For. |
Home State | Players Home State |
High School | Players High School or Junior College/Last College he Played For before enrolling. |
Arm Length | Players Verified Arm Length Measurement, from Combine or Pro Day |
Hand Length | Players Verified Hand Size Measurement, from Combine or Pro Day |
Wingspan | Players Verified Wingspan Measurement, from Combine or Pro Day |
CBench | C= Combine, All Rows with C in front are Combine Result Rows. CBench = Combine Bench Reps |
PDBench | PD=ProDay, All Rows with PD in front are Verified Pro Timing Day Result Rows. PDBench = Pro Day Bench Reps |
C10HH | Combine 10 Yard Dash HH – Fastest Hand Held Time |
C10ET | Combine 10 Yard Dash ET – Fastest Electronic Time |
PD10HH | Pro Day 10 Yard Dash HH – Fastest Hand Held Time |
C20HH | Combine 20 Yard Dash HH – Fastest Hand Held Time |
C20ET | Combine 20 Yard Dash ET – Fastest Electronic Time |
PD20HH | Pro Day 20 Yard Dash HH – Fastest Hand Held Time |
C40HH | Combine 40 Yard Dash HH – Fastest Hand Held Time |
C40ET | Combine 40 Yard Dash ET – Fastest Electronic Time |
PD40HH | **Pro Day 40 Yard Dash HH – Average of Both Runs/Range – Based on Numerous Factors. See Next Row for Times. |
Pro Timing Day Notes | Verified 40 Yard Dash Hand Held Time Ranges/Other Various Notes on Drills skipped, Injuries, etc. |
CVJ | Combine Vertical Jump – Highest |
PDVJ | Pro Day Vertical Jump – Highest |
CBJ | Combine Broad Jump -Longest |
PDBJ | Pro Day Broad Jump – Longest |
CShuttle | Combine Shutte Time – Fastest |
PDShuttle | Pro Day Shuttle Time – Fastest |
CCone | Combine 3Cone Time – Fastest |
PDCone | Pro Day 3Cone Time -Fastest |
Combine# | Jersey Number Player wore at the Combine |
CombineGroup | Position Group Player was assigned to at the Combine |
CombineWONote | Various Combine Workout Notes. The PBC Number is the Projected 40 Time we had as an average 40 Time. Used to see how better or worse a Player Ran at the Combine. |
ProDayDate | Players Main Pro Day Date, School or if at Another College |
ProDayDate2 | Players Alternate Pro Day Date, If He Hand Multiple |
Symbol | Used for Various Notes, Coming off Injuries, Entering the Draft with an Injury, Transfers, etc |
School Bio URL | Web Page Link to the Players Official School Bio or Roster Page if they Have none online. |
DRnd | Drafted Round – For Post Draft Updates, Use as Desired |
DPick | Draft Pick in that Round – For Post Draft Updates, Use as Desired |
DOvrPick | Overall Draft Pick /254 – For Post Draft Updates, Use as Desired |
DTeam | Drafted by Team – For Post Draft Updates, Use as Desired |
FASignDate | Date signed as Undrafted Free Agent – For Post Draft Updates, Use as Desired |
FASignTeam | Signed by Team – For Post Draft Updates, Use as Desired |