Draft Scout Weekly – Master Database Excel Export Dumps – A DRAFT SCOUT PRODUCT
– DEC 5, 2019 Update
It’s the MOST IMPORTANT time for data building and this got it all!
Championship Weekend
End of Season Edition in Progress
Building Towards January 18, 2020
Currently working on Power5 Conference Teams/Big Ten
play by player cross checks, focus on Seniors and All-Conference Players
that were released the past few days. Will be done by next Thursday’s update.
10,652 Players – Draft Class Years 2020-2023 and building. Fluid and Progressive
Data Model. 37 Data Rows Included.
Production & Injury Tracking. Player Scout Grade Season Updates, Adds
End of season grade updates, national & conference awards,
underclassmen declaring early, all-star game/combine invites & more.
“Early” Row has been added to the DraftEligible Spreadsheet
Tracking which underclassmen have officially announced vs projected from the weekly top 100 ratings
since Week 1.
End of Season notes for each player placed in the “UpdateNotes” row.
Major Awards, Players of the Year for others released so far have been logged and checked.
All Teams will be cross checked, end of season info for each player inserted, leading up to Jan 18, 2020.
Accepted All-Star Game Invite (Top 4 Games) tracking updated.
Eventually All by Mid-Jan as well.
Split into 5 separate excel spreadsheets in a zipped/dated Folder to keep file size lower
-Draft Scout 2020 (3298 Players, All Seniors, All Divisions Combined)
Over 3,000 Players test for the Pros each spring, this number will be declining as
players who were injured and redshirt move back a year, backups, underperformers, etc., are turned off.
-Draft Scout 2021 (3139 Players, All Juniors, Top Underclassmen for the 2020 Draft)
-Draft Scout 2022 (2410 Players, All Sophomores, Top Redshirt Sophomores for 2020 Draft)
-Draft Scout 2023 (1807 Players, All Freshmen, Building for the Future)
-Draft Scout 2020 Draft Eligible (Top 125 Players for 2020 NFL Draft, Seniors thru Redshirt Sophomores,
with projected Underclassmen combined, Top 100 Board, Building as we go)
Added Draft Eligible Rows and Update Notes.
5 Rows added from Aug 12 Release: Update Notes, DERank, DETop1000, Projected Round, DEInclude
PLEASE NOTE: This is a ONE TIME Database Export Timestamped Dec 5, 2019 Purchase.
You will NOT receive weekly free updates like Draft Scout Weekly has.
PlayerId: Draft Scout’s unique number ID assigned for players from High School through Draft Season/Pro Football
DSRank: Draft Scout’s Player Ranking for the Position they Play, Sort ASC, Ascending when Filtering by Position, 999 or 9999 = Currently Unranked
Stock: Projected Stats: Same (Holding Steady at the Time), Up (Rising), Down (Falling), Injury (Had or Entering Draft with an Injury)
Injuries/Transfers: Various Notes, Coming off Injuries, Entering the Draft with an Injury, Transfers from which school, etc
Jersey: Players Jesery number he wore this past Season/Will be cross checked and updated the first month of each season or from team changes/reports
First Name: Player First Name
Last Name: Player Last Name
Class: Players Year of College, Sr = Senior, rSr = Redshirt Senior, Jr = Junior, rJr = Redshirt Junior, rSo= Redshirt Sophomore, So = Sophomore, rFr = Redshirt Freshman, Fr = Freshman
DraftYear: Year in Draft Pool, Works with Class: 2020 Draft Year = rSr/Sr/rJr/Jr and rSo, 2021 = rJr, Jr, So, rSo and rFr, (all will add a season after 2019 CFB season), etc
Position: Position Player plays in College or is Ranked at if a projected position switch for the Pros. Example: Small Defensive Ends may be moved to Outisde linebacker already, Smaller players to other positions. Dual Threat QB’s to WR or RB/KR, etc.
Position2: Position Player could play or switch to in Pro Football, also if a kick returner or plays multiple positions.
PositionSpecific: Used with next Depth row to identify a player’s specific position in College. Useful for offensive linemen (LT/RT/LG/RG, etc) or what type of defense’s teams run.
Depth: Players Depth chart number at the time of major cross checks. Full teams, all FBS teams Aug-Sept. 1 = QB1, 2 = RT2, 3 = WR3, etc. 999/99 or blank have not been checked or player is injured, sitting out a year off transfer, etc
College Division: Player’s College Division he plays in: FBS/1-A, FCS/1-AA/Division 2, Division 3, NAIA, etc
Conference: Players Conference within the division he plays.
Region: Players Scouting region he plays in, used for Area Scout export swaps.
Projected Early-Drafted-85 Total: Yes = Top 85 Juniors or Redshirt Sophomores expected to enter into the coming Draft. Of those 85 average drafted, 50 will be top 100 players (rounds 1-3), 35 of the 85 will get drafted between rounds 4-7, Day 3. Total Underclassmen Average is 125 total per Draft, meaning 40 of the underclassmen, we won’t project, will NOT get Drafted at all.
Height: Players Height in Eights/Inch (Updated and Cross checked by Team Post-Spring then again VERY good in Aug-Sept…in the Draft period: at Combine or Pro Day Measurements)
Height2: Players Height in Feet/Rounded up from Eights (Updated and Cross checked by Team Post-Spring then again VERY good in Aug-Sept…in the Draft period: at Combine or Pro Day Measurements)
Weight: Players Weight (Updated and Cross checked by Team Post-Spring then again VERY good in Aug-Sept…in the Draft period: at Combine or Pro Day Measurements)
40RangeLow: ESTIMATE Hand Held Range ONLY until Combine/Pro Timing-Testing…Players 40 Yard Dash – Lowest Time Range. In most cases .03 to.10 lowesr than his Fastest times to Group Hand Held Times & Estimate Ranges Pre-Testing.
40Time: ESTIMATE Hand Held Range ONLY until Combine/Pro Timing-Testing…Players 40 Yard Dash – Base 40 Time. The Average of the High-Low Range until Lowest Combine ET or Average Pro Day HH/Hand Helds Replace that Number.
40RangeHigh: ESTIMATE Hand Held Range ONLY until Combine/Pro Timing-Testing…Players 40 Yard Dash – Highest Time Range.In most cases .03 to.10 lowesr than his Fastest times to Group Hand Held Times & Estimate Ranges Pre-Testing.
Home City: Players Hometown City, listed by College He played for.
Home State: Players Home State.
High School: Players High School or Junior College/Last College he played for before enrolling.
High School Recruiting Stars: Players High School Recruiting grade. 5 = Elite, 4 = Great down…Blank or 0 = Not input yet. Most FBS Power 5 Teams are done.
Update Notes: Various player updates (Playing well, rising, Scout Feedback from Road Grades, etc), works with the column next to it…Scout Grades/Projected Rounds/Road Grades/Ranking Info.
Scout Grades/Projected Rounds/Road Grades/Ranking Info: We exchange a lot of information. This row is key information on where a player may have graded heading into his senior season, what scout’s think, areas he should or will be rankedor changed to. It will be updated and change as we group him into a ranking heading into the start of the Draft period on Jan 18th of each year. A lot of factors from strict draft averages to what scouts think of him play a part.
Data Scout Info/Player Career Notes/Awards/Injuries: Players Data Scout row and Career snapshot information. Awards, Stats, performance, etc. Put together, logged after each season and updated both before and after.
School Bio Link: Web page link to the Players official school bio or roster page if they have none online.
DERank: Draft Eligible Rank, a combination of all Draft Eligible players ranked by their position.
DETop1000: Ranked 1-100 for now, will be expanded to Top 1500 by end of Jan 2020.
Projected Round: Players Projected Draft Grade based on his overall rank, 1-1000.
DEInclude: Draft Eligible Includes, 1 = Top 100,1000, etc. Filter for just #1 to see just the top 100 players within the master list of 9,000 plus. Then sort Ascending, DETop1000 Row.